a program crafted with care

We are deeply aware of the affects visiting a foreign country has and are committed to maximizing the positive, while reducing the negative, aspects of all that we do. We’re proud to say:


We are committed to recruiting diverse participants

We are determined to bring those from backgrounds who can benefit the most from this trip, and those who are going for the right reasons. We are also committed to raising money for people from lower-income backgrounds who would not have the chance to come otherwise.


We are committed to having both International and Ugandan participants and staff

Our Ugandan participants, staff, and friends have been working with members of The CCP for over a decade. Our experience has been crafted with their guidance.


We are committed to everyone playing the role of both teacher and student.

We all have equally as much to learn from each other. This is why when our group visits schools we encourage the students to teach us just as we teach them. Our goal is to appreciate one another, never influence each other or put anybody on a pedestal.